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Gadget Addiction is a real problem today: Here’s what happens

by EJ_Team
0 comments 3 minutes read

Let’s consider an example.

Rohit, once a vibrant and sociable tween, underwent a significant transformation during the COVID-19 lockdowns. He became entangled in the web of screens, navigating a world of pleasure and disturbing content that was far beyond his age. This shift towards excessive screen use is emblematic of a larger concern – gadget addiction.

Neurobiological Impact: How Screens Are Rewiring Young Minds

This issue extends beyond Rohit; it is a pressing problem among children and adults alike. Neuroscientists, like Baroness Susan Greenfield, have cautioned about the profound impact of screens on the wiring of our brains. Research from South Korea and North America underpins these concerns, revealing that excessive screen use can lead to the thinning of grey matter in the brain’s cortex and disrupt the connections between the frontal lobes and the limbic system. This neurobiological shift results in emotional control problems and difficulties in social interactions.

Social Media’s Influence: The Quest for Digital Validation

Complicating matters further, the influence of social media on adolescents striving to define their sense of self and belonging is undeniable. Their self-worth often hinges on the number of likes and followers on platforms like Instagram. Despite the prevalence of bullying, trolling, and exploitation in these spaces, teenagers remain deeply attached to digital social networks.

Blurring Boundaries Amid COVID: The Dilemma of Legitimacy

The COVID-19 pandemic has further blurred the line between legitimate and harmful screen use. Academic learning, research, friendships, and entertainment now depend on screens. For parents, it has become a daunting task to determine where to set boundaries, especially when their children possess a level of digital savviness that surpasses their own.

Parenting Strategies: Navigating the Digital Maze

Based on years of experience working with families facing this challenge, there are some practical strategies to consider. Building a trusting relationship with your child is crucial, even when gadgets are a contentious issue. Patience, understanding, and a non-judgmental approach can help rebuild trust and facilitate communication.

Collaborative Approach: Setting Screen Time Boundaries

A collaborative approach to discussing screen use is beneficial. Categorize screen time, share your views without arguing, and work together to set flexible and negotiable boundaries that suit the family’s changing needs.

Offering Alternatives: Balancing Screen Time with Real-Life Experiences

Offer alternative, appealing options like sports or arts that can compete with screens for your child’s attention. Importantly, parents should lead by example and model healthy screen habits.

Seeking Professional Help: When the Issue Escalates

In severe cases, professional intervention may be necessary for a comprehensive assessment and effective solutions.

Navigating the complexities of parenting in the digital age requires open communication, empathy, and proactive involvement to help children make responsible and balanced choices in their screen usage.

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